EXPRESSION Post-its – playful experiment @MathWorks

This project was carried out as a part of my employment with MathWorks India. This design experiment's objective was to see if user interviews might be made more entertaining and participatory.
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This project was carried out as a part of my employment with MathWorks India at MathWorks Design Team under the guidance of my co-workers Jyotirmaya Mohapatra and Praneet Kopula, . This design experiment’s objective was to see if user interviews might be made more entertaining and participatory.

The objective of this research project was to identify and gather the user journey of MATLAB users, their goals, challenges and workarounds or solutions they might have figured over their journey.

I became aware of a gulf between myself and my user research participants during my pilot tests for this project. I was curious if a playful and more interactive interview environment would work better and started experimenting with my approach.

EXPRESSION Post-its: A person often experiences a range of emotions when working with a tool. I was intrigued to see whether labelling the emotions may assist them remember the events connected to the sentiments they must have had. This led to the creation of expression Post-its. The main objective of these expressive post-its was to see if they might elicit any emotions and the related incident.

Detailed Article and Links

To read about the details of this study, click here

A few photos from our study

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