HEATWAVE Havoc - A multiplayer cooperative game

HEATWAVE Havoc is a multiplayer card based strategic cooperative game, where you save all your cute little babies from the effects of Heatwaves. This is an exploratory approach done at Centre for Climate Change and sustainability, Azim Premji University, to communicate adaptation measures during the event of a heatwave.
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How might we make the younger generation aware of the impacts of heatwaves?
How might we aid them to build empathy for our changing world and people effected by it? How might we make them aware of the adaptation measures during such an event?

The main goal of this project is to share adaptation measures to be taken during the event of a heatwave.

HEATWAVE Havoc is a multiplayer card based strategic cooperative game, where you save all your cute little babies from the effects of heatwaves. Players live happy healthy lives with their kids, until heatwaves strike, and they all die of heat strokes. Or they adapt, with their healthy lifestyle measures and community actions. Collaborate with your neighbors, share your resources, protect and help your neighbors, and adapt well to to heatwaves.

Detailed Article and Links

To play, visit the game directly at HEATWAVE Havoc Site .

Please feel free to reach out if you would be interested in helping and collaborating with us in the project. :)