Nature's palette - a playful adventure

Fostering curiosity in children about resources available in natural environments, through colours. This project was done as a part of the Interaction Design module at IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay, India
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Can we foster curiosity in children about our natural environment? During the Interaction Design module at IDC School of Design, we (our group had 4 participants) were assigned a project - nudge children to explore their natural environment more, with one constraint - through the use of Colours.

Through the use of colours and textures, the Nature’s Palette app aims to help kids connect with their surroundings. Together, kids explore their environment and take photos of the many colours and textures they encounter. These images are then transformed into a palette of hues and textures that may be used to produce artwork, paintings and masterpieces.

Detailed Article and Links

You can read about the detailed design process here, and download your Android app here

Product demo

We created a working minimum viable prototype of Nature’s palette. The prototype was developed with Unity and can be deployed on Android devices.
We created a video of the final workflow -

Please feel free to reach out if you would be interested in helping and collaborating with us in the project. :)